New Form Factors Design Sprint Playbook

通常起兴都是“然并卵”的一堆废话,那也要说。兲朝有 e-Greatwall 可以理解,但连一些纯设计纯技术类的网址也屏蔽,真是大局域网里设计/技术人员的悲哀。谷歌不听话,于是孩子、水、盆全部挡出去,岂不知多少由谷歌统领业界的设计规范、编程规范和前沿的理论理念,墙内的臣民都不得而知?

现在做网站,多数已经是手机版为先了,电脑版甚至可有可无。不管 Native App 和 Web App 怎么争论,HTML5 已经肆虐在各个为快速迭代开发而疯狂加班的团队中。快速的迭代并不意味着只是一味的片面的“快”就好,再快也要有章法。

下面转发谷歌的 Design Sprint Playbook


What is a design sprint?
Google Ventures developed an intensive 5-day Product Design Sprint to help their portfolio companies get started, get unblocked, and develop new directions for their products and services (see Their design sprints are inspired by the iterative, time-bounded, and user-focused aspects of Agile Development and Design Thinking.

We adapted their methodology to teach our design principles for new form factors and enable participants to practice them immediately. In just under 3 hours, we cover each of the stages that Google Ventures practiced over the course of 5 days: Understand and Define, Diverge, Decide, Prototype, and Validate.

Why a design sprint?
Designing for any new form factor is hard. With new wearable form factors like Android Wear, you aren’t scaling down your mobile UI and porting it to a smaller screen; you are designing new paradigms for computing. Each of these devices introduce a new way for humans to interact with technology, and a new way for technology to interact with and respond to the user’s world.

After our own experiences using and building for new form factors we developed design principles and UX best practices for development. We use Design Sprints to teach these design principles in a hands-on, collaborative way.

What happens at a design sprint?
This sprint is simply a series of steps that alternately flare and focus. We’ll start by expanding our understanding of the space by learning the design philosophy of this new form factor. Then, we’ll focus on a specific challenge and user. After that, we’ll explore all the possible solutions to this problem in the diverge step; this is the brainstorming phase. We’ll focus again by deciding on one solution to explore in depth. We’ll then prototype ways that idea can manifest. Finally, we’ll validate the design by presenting one manifestation to a larger group and get feedback.

For more, download the below PDF files: (0.5M)

Enjoy :)